Children across school are set a creative homework each term with a range of topics to choose from which are based on ...
We had three winners for the Rotary Club annual Young Writers competition from our year 6 and 5 children. They were presented ...
The Oak Class turned the clock back to the 17th April 1945 and came into class dressed as evacuees. The children arrived ...
The Seedlings went to the Thackray Medical Museum. They stepped off the bus and were greeted by Florence Nightingale who led them ...
The members of the School Council held a bake sale after school for the children and parents. They raised £147.65 towards playtime ...
The whole school took part in a Muslim workshop in school. They learnt about being a Muslim and there traditions.
Year 5 children attended the Rewind to Easter event at Yorkshire Camps, Netherside Hall where they learnt about the Easter story.
Our year 6 children attended the annual Crucial Crew event at Eshton Grange, Gargrave. The Crucial Crew event plays a vital role ...