The pupil premium grant is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England. It’s a school-level grant that gives schools extra resources to help them meet challenges, including those arising from deprivation.

It’s allocated for schools to:

  • improve the academic outcomes of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities
  • close the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers across the country

Funding for 2023 to 2024

This year, we had an allocation of £14,465.00.

The pupil premium is allocated to children from families who are currently known to be eligible or have been eligible in the last 6 years for Free School Meals.(FSM) in mainstream schools; Looked After or Previously Looked After children and service children. 

How it is spent.

We plan how this money will support these pupils and evaluate its impact. 

The review process.

Attainment and achievement of children in receipt of Pupil Premium is tracked separately to other pupils, to ensure that expenditure is making a positive difference. The participation of these pupils in extra-curricular activities is also monitored for equal opportunities. The Headteacher and named governor for Pupil Premium compile an annual report for the full governing body giving details of expenditure and impact.


2021 - 22

2022 - 23

2023 - 24

% of Pupil






Total Funding



