The Intent of our Curriculum
At Threshfield Primary School, we recognise the importance of PE and the role it has to play in promoting long-term, healthy lives.
By the time students leave Threshfield Primary school they will have experienced a broad Physical Education curriculum creating physically literate children. We support all pupils to understand and enjoy being physically active individuals and to encourage and support others to be the same, through a high quality PE, School Sports and Physical Activity (PESSPA) curriculum.
We aspire to develop individuals who believe they can achieve anything with resilience, confidence, respect, responsibility and a love of learning. We want our pupils to be happy, healthy and ready to learn.
Our students will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which include opportunities to take part in competitive sport.
Every pupil will have the opportunity to develop and improve their physical literacy; to participate in, be challenged and to enjoy success in a wide range of safe sporting and physical activities, which will have a positive impact not only on their physical but also their emotional, spiritual, social and moral well-being. We want them to leave our primary school successfully equipped with the knowledge, skills, motivation and understanding necessary to enjoy lifelong participation in physical activity together with a happy, healthy lifestyle.
The Implementation of our Curriculum
The inclusive PE curriculum is dynamic, varied, fun and unique; designed to meet the requirements of the key skills in the National Curriculum and the needs of our students, enabling them all to build upon prior experience and to apply knowledge and skills more fluently and with confidence. All classes are timetabled two hours of high quality PE with additional daily opportunities to participate in structured and stimulating physical activity. All pupils in key stage 2 (years 3-4) receive weekly swimming lessons and year 2 pupils receive swimming lessons in the summer term.
Physical education is key in developing positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and our PE curriculum is enhanced by competitions and enrichment opportunities, as these bring valuable experience especially for those children who may not have access to them. All classes enjoy regular, structured activities and games during the lunchtimes. There are opportunities to be active throughout the school day, including curriculum lessons, break times and lunch time actives, which not only improve our children’s physical and mental health and wellbeing but also help to meet the government target of all children being physically active for 60 minutes a day; with 30 minutes of this activity at school.
All pupils are encouraged to take part in extracurricular clubs and they have the opportunity to participate in local sporting competitions and festivals.
Our curriculum provides a coherent sequence of learning and coverage of the National Curriculum and key physical literacy skills needed for our learners to develop to their full potential.
When students reach the Oaks Class, they have the opportunity and are fully trained to become Sports Leaders who have the responsibility for inspiring the younger children to enjoy collaborative games at break times and also helping to run and promote events, such as sports day.
The Impact of our Curriculum
PE is taught as a basis for lifelong learning, where the children have access to a wide range of activities in the belief that if taught well and the children are allowed to succeed, then they will continue to have a physically active life.
A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Our PESSPA curriculum at our school aims to enthuse pupils with fun, engaging and broad physical and mental experiences which will lay solid foundations to build on for their future.
At Threshfield Primary School, we provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way, which supports their health and fitness.
Students are able to develop fundamental skills and apply them to a variety of sports and activities. All children are provided with the skills and given opportunities to demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best. Our pupils are physically active, and this has positive implications on their learning in the classroom, mental health and wellbeing. The children at Threshfield understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of being active.
All students will have opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.