During this unprecedented period of home learning, the amount of time your child/children are spending on the computer will have dramatically increased. Unfortunately, we have been forced to offer a lot of our activities or lessons in the form of media, although we have tried to offer alternative where we can.
Due to this increased amount of computer working and probably some prolonged periods of time unsupervised on the computer it is essential that your child/children’s usage is monitored. With this learning pack, I have attached a guidance on the key aspects of internet safety. I will also be sending out daily: DigiSafe Daily worksheets which you can discuss with your children. By engaging in daily discussions and monitoring usage, Online Safety is kept at the front of everyone’s mind.
There are many excellent resources to support you as a parent and your child/children in their knowledge of keeping themselves safe. I have listed some below:
Recommendations for preschool children, age 0 - 5:
Recommendations for school children, age 6 - 10:
Recommendations for preteens children, age 11 - 13:
Knowledge for parents:
· https://www.internetmatters.org/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIktuA5LWK2wIVRYXVCh2afg2aEAAYASAAEgIJ5vD_BwE
Tips and advise on making sure safety settings are activated on your devices and information on the current topics surrounding internet safety
· https://www.net-aware.org.uk/ This NSPCC website is excellent at providing information and guidance on specific games or APPs your child/children are playing on. As we all know, the fashions change quickly and this website helps you know if what your child/children are accessing is safe and whether you can activate further safety measures.
Activities and games to promote knowledge in children:
· https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ Think U Know website provides games for children and teenagers to develop understanding
· https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-centre/young-people/resources-3-11s UK Safer Internet Centre provides games for children and teenagers to develop understanding