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As part of the local community we:
- Have fun at art/craft and music workshops at the Grassington Festival in summer.
- Participate in all sorts of sports activities with our local cluster schools: The Upper Wharfedale Federation and Boyle Petyt Primary School. Our teams are strong, but, in an area where rugby is at the heart of the community, sportsmanship is key.
- Celebrate Christmas with an outdoor carol service.
- Visit St. Michael's Church in the Linton parish for celebrations such as Harvest and Christmas.
- Use the Devonshire Institute to perform our school productions.
- Author visits by the Stripey Badger Bookshop
- Half-termly visits to Grassington Library
- Visiting the Grassington museum to support our learning in curriculum areas.
As part of a wider community we:
- Go on planned educational visits that support our topics and enable to experience new challenges.
- Participate in a variety of sports activities with Craven area schools.
- Have an annual Year 6 residential trip with pupils from Boyle and Petyt school, helping build friendships for secondary schools.
- Have an annual Year 4 & 5 residential trip with pupils at Netherside Hall, an outdoor adventure centre.