We offer a variety of after school activities at various times throughout the year. These are run by staff or visiting instructors and tend to change half termly.
Football, Cricket and Rounders are organised after school by the School Sports Partnership, governors and staff during the lighter months.
Breakfast Club
We offer a breakfast club which runs daily from 8am.
There is a charge of £4 per child, per morning. Quiet indoor activity time is also available from 8.30 for a charge of £2 per child per morning.
If you are interested in your child/children attending the provision please contact Mrs Whitaker in the school office.
Afterschool Club
Our afterschool club runs Monday to Friday evening from 3.30pm-5.30pm.
The cost is £4.00 for the first hour and £6.50 for two hours. During this time the children will be provided with a heathy snack and refreshments.
There will be a varied programme of activities, such as: craft, outdoor play, board games and computer activities.