The Oaks spent a fantastic day with their visiting Viking. The monies raised from the Danceathon paid for this amazing event.
Our children paid their respect on Remembrance Day. Our older children attended the service in Grassington village centre and our younger children ...
A cold but enjoyable morning for our Children in Need Ramble, with a very welcome hot chocolate at the half way point ...
Children on the Oaks class spent an afternoon dancing to raise money through a sponsored danceathon for a whole day workshop with ...
Children came dressed for a day of creations, fun and magic. We had a magical trail; potions class, wand making, monster dancing ...
On Tuesday 15th October, we will be hosting a Harvest feast in school followed by a REAL tractor run. Thanks to our ...
Our children, wore yellow and took part in a variety of activities to promote awareness around mental health and where to seek ...
YCAT admissions arrangements consultation: Yorkshire Collaborative Academy Trust (YCAT) is the admissions authority for all schools in the Trust: Askwith Primary School ...
A fantastic day at the Wild Explorers at Broughton Hall. What an experience.
In the summer term, we were invited to the Brownlee Brothers' triathlon. A unique experience which enabled all children to experience an ...
To celebrate our school's 350th birthday our fantastic PTA threw the best festival anyone had been to. We have live music; stalls ...
We always cherish our annual sports day. Netherside Hall was the perfect setting as always and we all had a fantastic day ...
We had a fantastic workshop during our summer term. Our children performed a traditional Indian story brought to life by dance and ...
A huge well done to both our girls' and boys' football teams. They all played fantastic. Our girls' won the tournament in ...
We were very excited to be invited to Barden Moor to learn how the moor is cared for and maintained. There were ...
Children across school are set a creative homework each term with a range of topics to choose from which are based on ...
We had three winners for the Rotary Club annual Young Writers competition from our year 6 and 5 children. They were presented ...
The Oak Class turned the clock back to the 17th April 1945 and came into class dressed as evacuees. The children arrived ...
The Seedlings went to the Thackray Medical Museum. They stepped off the bus and were greeted by Florence Nightingale who led them ...
The members of the School Council held a bake sale after school for the children and parents. They raised £147.65 towards playtime ...
The KS2 children learnt how to survive if they fell clothed into water
The whole school took part in a Muslim workshop in school. They learnt about being a Muslim and there traditions.
Year 5 children attended the Rewind to Easter event at Yorkshire Camps, Netherside Hall where they learnt about the Easter story.
Our year 6 children attended the annual Crucial Crew event at Eshton Grange, Gargrave. The Crucial Crew event plays a vital role ...
The Acorns went on an adventure to Thornton Hall Country Park. A trip to the farm is a fantastic day out but ...
Saplings spent a day at Harlow Carr looking at ‘Plant of the Planet’ and how these can be used to make environmentally ...
This year's World Book Day had a science theme as a joint celebration of 25 years of World Book Day and 25years ...
We had a very exciting visit from Craven Museum with artefacts from WWII to enhance our history topic this term. Thank you ...
The whole school took part in the NSPCC Number Day , bring in loose change to carry out maths work and wearing ...
All the children took part in the Big Garden Bird Watch this morning. Acorns and Seedlings watched for birds in the school ...
The children enjoyed the first snow of the year.
Children came dresses in yellow and brought a donation for World Mental Health Day
Parents were invited into school to attend out Harvest 'Feastival'. They were able to enjoy simple food and share it with their ...
The local fire crew visited school for a dark nights assembly to talk to the children about safety during the darker nights ...
The Rotary Club visited school to talk about their Shelter Box Appeal, the great benefits of these boxes and how they are ...
Threshfield Primary School
Reception and Preschool Stay and Play Tuesday 22nd October, 2024 and Thursday 21st November, 2024. Stay and Play: join us at 9.30am ...
We had a visit from Joe at Yorkshire Camps, Netherside who regularly comes into school to develop the children's understanding of Christianity ...
The children in Key Stage 1 watched a delicious Palak Paneer dish being made and learnt how to grow onions, spinach and ...
Our Year 4 and 6's have taken part in the Upper Wharfedale tag rugby festival and did a FANTASTIC job! Well done ...
The Oaks class had a fantastic day visiting the museums in Ripon to extend their history learning from the term. We visited ...
Rev Peter Thomas came and spent a day in school with us as we learnt about Pentecost and the fruits of the ...
The whole school enjoyed some very important sessions with Robbie learning about the importance of being safe around water and especially thinking ...
We spent a lovely afternoon crafting as a whole school to celebrate the very exciting, historical event of King Charles' Coronation weekend!