Cultural assets are the accumulation of knowledge, experiences and skills that a child can learn from and draw upon in different situations throughout their life.   Exposure to different cultural elements: art, music, dance, literature, theatre, a knowledge and respect for our local, national and global history offers the children experiences and maybe passions that they can take with them throughout their lives.

Cultural assets gives power. They can help children achieve goals, become successful, and have success in many different areas of life.

Gradually widening children’s experiences as they progress through school is an important step in providing rich and engaging learning across the curriculum.

At Threshfield Primary we build the cultural assets of our children through an ambitious, interesting and progressive curriculum which is enriched through our curriculum enhancements.  Our curriculum enhancements build on what our children understand and know already. This exposure, not only to culture but also to situations in which the children might not have previous experiences of. This is of paramount importance to their ongoing successes, enjoyment and learning potential.

Our curriculum enhancements were created and designed by the stakeholders of the school: staff, governors, parents and our school council who represented the children.